General Terms:

  • The terms and conditions are in compliance with international law and the rules of conductbetween the investment company, Site Name.
  • Only individuals who are capable and over the age of 18 are allowed to register and investin Site Name.
  • Registration is required for all individuals who want to become clients.
  • By registering in the Site Name Investment Program, you confirm all the clauses stated inthese Terms and Conditions.

Denial of Responsibility:

  • Site Name is not responsible for providing tax or legal services, insurance services, or anydamage, drawdown, or loss that may arise from misinterpretation of the contents of theSite Name website or other similar reasons.
  • Clients should carefully read these Terms before creating a deposit and participating in theSite Name program.
  • Site Name cannot be held responsible for actions that are beyond the company's control.

Investment Procedure:

  • Every deposit made in Site Name is a private transaction between two economic entities.
  • The client determines the amount of deposited investment funds and other financialoperations independently and willingly, accepting all risks that may arise from theseactions.
  • The interest rate on investments made by the client is calculated and credited to thebalance of the client's account in accordance with the investment conditions.
  • The client is responsible for determining the number of investments and the amount ofdeposits.
  • All settlements in Site Name are made in accordance with the terms of investment.

Affiliate Program Procedure:

  • It is strictly forbidden to use SPAM technologies to increase the number of attractedreferrals. If clients use such techniques, their accounts may be suspended.
  • Multi-registrations with the purpose of increasing the payment of affiliate commissions maynot be supported by the company.

Scheduled Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance:

  • Site Name reserves the right to suspend or temporarily terminate the provision of servicesoffered by the company's website in the event that it becomes necessary to install new orupdated software, apply various modifications and other changes that improve the operationof the site, or make its functions better.
  • Site Name may suspend the operation of the site in cases of force majeure, including if itis necessary to suppress hacker and DDoS attacks, as well as in cases where it is necessaryto urgently install additional means of protecting the site's functionality.
  • Site Name is not responsible for any inconveniences associated with such suspension of thesite, including in cases where the access of customers to the site temporarily becomescompletely impossible.

Privacy Policy:

  • Any personal information provided by the client is confidential and not transferred to thirdparties under any circumstances.
  • All financial transactions and other business agreements between Site Name and clients areconfidential and not subject to disclosure indefinitely.
  • During the interaction between Site Name and the client, it may be necessary to obtainadditional information about the client. The collection, processing, and storage of thiskind of information is also fully subject to the Site Name Privacy Policy, and suchinformation cannot be used in any other way than for the purposes provided for in theseTerms and the Privacy Policy.
  • The methods of storing and protecting customer information are a trade secret of Site Nameand cannot be requested by third parties or disclosed to clients.

Currencies accepted

BitcoinTether (TRC20)Tether (BEP20) USD Coin (BEP20)SolanaDogecoinBinance BSC EthereumTether (ERC20)LitecoinTron Toncoin